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Without Accountability, You are Burning Cash!

Accountability is the key to a team's success!

Published on

Dec 28, 2022

Written by

Josh Jankowski



Agent and Team Leader Accountability Within Sierra Using GGMS

Real estate agents and team leaders often struggle with implementing and using their technology systems. Brokers and team leaders work with real estate agents, acting as guides and leaders for their teams. They are responsible for providing technology, systems, and processes to help their agents monitor leads and manage their responsibilities. Team leaders and brokers need to be equipped to implement these technology systems to the benefit of their practices.

PRESS PLAY: Accountability in Sierra Interactive

The Incredible GGMS System

“The new system that GGMS implemented is incredible. It's basically like an artificial intelligence book in the background that just figures out everything we're supposed to be doing and when we're supposed to be doing it. The filters tell you exactly what you need to do, when you need to do it, and to whom you need to do it. It's fantastic.”  

- Ryan Ward, Broker Premier Atlanta Real Estate   


GGMS Benefits Team Leads

GGMS delivers an accountability system that brokers and team leaders can use to keep their agents focused on specific, targeted leads in the database. GGMS scans your database daily, looking for lead activity, and notifies you and your agents about that activity in the form of a task. 

The team leader’s job is to hold their team accountable for their work. Using targeted tasks based on lead activity, real estate team leaders can provide clarity to their agents. Following these targeted tasks, agents will get more out of their work. Instead of ‘dumb dialing,’ agents connect with leads engaging with your website. 


GGMS Accountability Systems in a Nutshell:

  • Auto-assigned action plans are probing for lead curiosity
  • The behavioral tracking system tracks all lead activity
  • Automations auto-assign tasks for agents
  • Our smart filter system establishes clear expectations for daily agent workflow.
  • Agents are expected to clear their filters daily by completing their tasks.
  • Team leaders must hold their agents accountable for clearing their filters.  

GGMS Accountability Really Made My Life Easy

“GGMS really made my life easy. We have a team of 15 agents. The GGMS system allows me, as the accountability coach, to be able to use filters and instantly figure out what agents are not making their calls daily or agents are not following up properly.” 

- Ted Guarnero, Broker Owner Dreamworks Real Estate


Josh Jankowski

Co-Founder, VP of Sales and Support

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