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Sierra Interactive’s Custom E-Alert Subject Line Feature

Historically, every property alert sent out of Sierra Interactive's email system contains the same subject line. That is, until now!

Published on

Feb 02, 2023

Written by

Michael J. Gallagher

Sierra Interactive’s Custom E-Alert Subject Line Feature

Sierra Interactive launched a custom E-Alert subject line feature for you to change the alert subject line to a custom subject line.

Why is this important?

Historically, every property alert sent out of Sierra Interactive's email system contains the same subject line.

For example, if you set up multiple searches for a lead because you have more than 1 MLS feed or if you would like to send them a main search plus a secondary search, the email subject line is the same, and the lead can not quickly know which is which; that is, until now!

Speak more directly to your leads!

The custom e-alert allows you to speak more directly about what's included in the search. For instance, here are a few subject lines that you could use.

  • Alex, have you seen these properties yet?
  • Susan, these properties match your search and just hit the market!
  • Frank, here's your monthly list of price-reduced properties!

Keep in mind, ultimately, the "Search Name" is still presented to the lead at the top of the email body once the lead opens up the email.

Where is it located?

You’ll find Sierra Interactive's new custom "E-Alert Subject Line" feature on the screen used to create an "E-Alert" or "Market Update" at the lead profile level underneath the "Searches" tab.

Custom "E-Alert Subject Line" Feature Screenshot

Custom "E-Alert Subject Line" Feature Screenshot

Ready to get started-1


Michael J. Gallagher

CEO, Founder of GGMS

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